Demo page

Where to exemplify the use of plugins, shortcodes, etc, for memory. Page set as draft: does not render for live website.

Expandcss shortcode

Comparative review of biochar C trading platforms

Inner content that will be markdownified and blablabla
Inner content that will be markdownified and blablabla


This model applies to the simple, yet most common, case where pyrolysis oil & gas are directly combusted after pyrolysis to generate heat. It was developped and used in the case studies of this paper.

Notice shortcode

A notice disclaimer, as a note

A notice disclaimer, as a warning

Can take the values: warning, note, info, tip

Insert scientific equations in Latex

$$ Y_{BC} = 0.1261 + 0.5391 e^{-0.004T} + 0.002733L $$

$ F_C = (1 - \frac{F_{a,bm}}{F_{a,bm} + Y_{BC}} ) * (0.93 - 0.92 e^{-0.0042T}) $

Insert a sankey

Sankey diagram

Scaled to 1 tonne of biochar

Export as svg/png button. Random markdown text after the widget

Insert a bw2widget via in its own section

Random markdown text before the widget

Biochar production from willow

Random markdown text after the widget

Insert a second bw2widget via in its own section

Random markdown text before the widget

Biochar production from Other

Random markdown text after the widget

Another shortcode: youtube video

Another shortcode: reference to another page

This is a link to the Overview

Another shortcode: highlight python code

import brightway2 as bw2
## Check for other styling

A figure: image with caption

Fig. Esmeralda
Fig. Esmeralda

Tooltip with glossary

Par exemple, le snippet suivant est rendu à cluster avec une infobulle. But this tooltip is now just an explanation without entry in the glossary


graph LR; A(Biomass production) -->|biomass| B(Pyrolysis) B -->|oil and tars| C(Co-product use) B -->|biochar| D(Biochar product manufacturing) E(Supply of other materials) -->|other materials| D D -->|biochar product| F(Biochar product use) F -->|biochar product waste| G(Biochar product end-of-life)

C -->|One| D[ ]
C -->|Two| E[<a href=""> Result two </a> ]

Chart dev